Planet BioScan

The Quantum Way

In the quantum world, there is no time or space!


Most of our session work for you is done remotely. Science likes to call this subspace or non local. It works much like a satellite does - we input your information, our super computer finds you, we scan and send frequency energies to help you!    Yes, it is so cool :)

Electric Prayers

Sending you electric prayers for your mind, body, and soul.

Are You Exceeding (Or Even Reaching) Your Goals and Potentials?

Quantum energy work is a form of holistic bodywork that addresses pain and stress that can be preventing anyone from their ultimate potential. It works safely and naturally by sending the body vibrational frequencies.

We are often unaware of how stress reveals itself in our lives. Answering yes to any of the following questions indicates you may be experiencing stress.

  • Do you find yourself unable to attain your goals and manifest your desires?
  • Are you taking yet another pill for a symptom unable to discover the source of the problem?
  • Are you exhausted yet you have difficulty sleeping?
  • Are any family members dealing with ADD or learning challenges? Are they not reaching their true potential?
  • Are you rushing about and multitasking but feeling like you are accomplishing little?
  • Are you just short of realizing your peak performance in sports, sales, teaching, studies, or a spiritual path? Do you feel unconnected to the Divine? 
  • Do you find your energy level is not what it used to be?
  • Is your romantic life unfulfilled?

Quantum energy work sessions can assist you in reaching your full potential in life by helping you address the root cause of the stress associated with these questions.

You will be amazed by the value of Planet BioScan's sessions! We offer you an incredible combination of modalities simultaneously to make effective use of your time and resources. It is like visiting a virtual hypnotherapist, psychologist, chiropractor, acupuncturist, nutritionist, life coach, spiritual advisor and more…all in one session…with non-invasive techniques…with one practitioner!

Planet BioScan uses the most innovative, advanced technology to conduct our quantum energy work sessions. Our quantum energy work system is FDA cleared. Our certified quantum energy work practitioner is also a licensed spiritual healer with a wealth of experience from working in the fields of quantum energy work, clinical autoimmune disease, athletic coaching, running a mediclinic, and as a conventional pharmaceutical sales rep. With this unique combination of knowledge, Planet BioScan is renowned for the ability to determine the root cause - and solution - for our clients’ stress.

Our quantum energy work device connects to a powerful, advanced computer system. In approximately five minutes, our system detects and records your stress reaction to over 50,000 items in your body (emotional, physical, and mental aspects).

Our quantum energy work practitioner then uses the insights gathered during the five-minute evaluation to discover what is causing stress in your body. Your stress may be manifesting in accelerated aging, DNA factors, pain, dis-ease, weight problems, allergic factors, emotional issues, blood impurities, or perhaps spiritual matters. For the remainder of your session (which lasts between 45 to 90 minutes), our practitioner runs various programs that send you vibrational frequencies. These frequencies can  reduce your stress, relieve your pain, and remove blockages to your goals.

We believe it is important to work in partnership with our clients to help them live their lives to the fullest potential. Because we realize it may take several sessions to get to the root of a problem or issue, we offer money-saving packages to our clients. This encourages our clients to resolve whatever is keeping them from the life they desire.

Contact us today and learn what Planet BioScan sessions can do for you.

Stressed Out!

Stress negatively impacts our wellness. Additionally, stress creates problems and keeps you from reaching your goals. Planet BioScan offers unique energy sessions utilizing quantum energy work to help you get to the root cause of the stress - physical, emotional, mental or spiritual.

Reducing stress helps you achieve your goals

The outcome of stress can have serious, negative effects on your mind, body and spirit. It negatively impacts what your body was designed to do - heal itself. Many alternative or holistic health professionals believe that if you manage the stress, you can actually prevent a resulting physical symptom (such as muscle pain) or a psychological problem (such as difficulty sleeping). Quantum energy work helps reduce the amount of stress you are experiencing.

Together, we help you solve your problems, reach your goals and live a more fulfilling life. Planet BioScan helps you eliminate what is holding you back from reaching your full potential.

Planet BioScan helps you become your own life coach!

Quantum energy work helps you create changes in your body, mind, and spirit

Planet BioScan practitioners use an FDA cleared quantum energy work device to locate and relieve stress that may be affecting your health or wellness. Our device scans over 50,000 items in your body, mind, spirit and emotions. This scanning process takes less than 5 minutes to complete and works much like a virus scan on a computer. During the rest of your session, you and the practitioner review the results to help you determine the root causes of what is impacting you. The practitioner then runs various holistic health programs to provide you with relaxing quantum energy work and to help you find the way to solve your problems.

Quantum energy work sends energetic frequencies to help to correct the imbalances in the body and provide stress reduction. With this improvement, you are then able to create changes in your body while enhancing your mind set. Together with educational, measurable information, we will help you to understand what you need to do to make permanent, positive changes and take back control of your body and your life. In animals, quantum energy work helps them establish improved mind-emotion-physical connections.

The practitioner, quantum energy work device and client are working together to determine the root causes of the imbalances and stressors that are detected. The practitioner then runs various programs on the device which sends out energetic frequencies that pertain to the stressed organs, brain waves, emotional or cognitive areas of the brain, or nervous system. In essence, we literally have 15 different holistic modalities in our quantum energy work device. We have different sub-programs for a wide array of problem solving, ultrasound and sound energies for bacterial and viral conditions, spinal chiropractic energies for subluxations, energies for degenerative organs, hormonal, nutritional or digestive issues. The possibilities are almost endless!

Take advantage of your body's natural healing abilities with quantum energy work!

While we are located in Phoenix, Arizona, our clients have found their sessions are amazingly effective regardless of where they are located! Quantum energy work works at a distance and finds you in the subspace energy field.

Contact us today and learn what Planet BioScan sessions can do for you. Or introduce yourself to us at one of these upcoming events.

A quantum energy work session with Planet BioScan can last anywhere from 1 to 2 hours, depending on the type of session you choose.

Science, technology, spirituality have finally fused via Planet BioScan for the betterment of human beings and animals.

Click here for information about how you can apply quantum energy work in your life

Click here for client form to complete prior to your first session.


We are not doctors and do not portray ourselves to be. We provide energy work services which include stress reduction protocols, relaxation techniques, and pain management. We do not offer allopathic drugs, surgery, chemical stimulants or any other conventional treatments. In addition, we do not diagnose, treat, or otherwise prescribe for any disease, condition, or illness, or perform any act that would constitute the practice of medicine for which a license is required.


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